Welcome to team Ark ! : Chinese speaking staff added !
我叫Ark 目前在 NINE: 二世谷登山車教學導覽學校工作 那學校也開始提供中文的服務囉 不管是車輛裝備租借使用 、場地使用或者是料金的疑問都能清楚的瞭解喔
至從第一次在加拿大接觸到下坡車的時候就漸漸的愛上了這項運動 從開始的恐懼感到習慣了速度的騎在森林中的林間道這中間花了不少時間, 不管是晴天或雨天,每天下班後就趕緊牽著車上山練習 但也很樂在其中。加拿大夏天日照的時間很長,一直到晚上7點天空都還亮著,山上到山下沿途的景色不斷的在變化,可以邊騎邊欣賞沿路的風景,這是騎登山車最棒的好處之一
二世谷是一個很棒的地方 有著豐富的自然資源,也有許多登山車道,也因為有著多變化的山林地形,從初學者到中、高階的玩家都能盡情的騎乘,
My name is Ark. Working for NINE : Niseko Mountain Bike Schoo l& Guiding. Now we are providing Mandarin services for our guest.
Since first time trying the downhill moutain biking in Whistler. It took some time to get use to the speed for riding on the trail in the forest. Whistler have on average 14 hours of sunshine per day during summer. So always go riding after work no matter it was raining or not, I couldn't stop riding the bike, becourse I was loving it so much. The view always changing from top to bottom when you riding on the trails. It was one of the best thing for riding bikes.
Niseko is a awesome place to visit. Have a lot of natural resources. We've also built different trails for beginners to expert . You can enjoy riding in Niseko
I feel lucky to live here and work here . Wish I can share the great experience, pasion for moutain bike riding by translating for the guests who don’t speak much Japanese or English.
Thank you very much !